Nemo Link already has in place a set of Non-IEM Access Rules that have been approved and will be operational from 1st January 2021 when GB leaves the IEM. This consultation proposes some minor adjustments to those trading rules, and if supported by market participants, could be implemented in Q1 2021 subject to regulatory approval.
The initial Nemo Link Non-IEM access rules were developed to enable continued trading in the event GB left the Internal Energy Market. At the time, it was necessary to focus mainly on established operational processes to ensure a robust and smooth handover. However, over the Brexit transition period, we have had the opportunity to assess and discuss in greater depth whether the current Non-IEM access rules can be better optimised to deliver the most efficient trading environment.
Relevant Documents
Please find below the relevant documents which outlines the proposed changes:
Consultation Invitation Letter (please read first)
Non-IEM Access Rules (track change version)
Consultation topics
The main topics of the consultation are summarised below:
- Day Ahead Firmness Deadline changed from 11:00 to 09:00 (Appendix 1 Article 58)
- LT Nomination window timing changed from 09:00 to 08:45 (Appendix 2 Article 6)
- Adjustment to the timings of the explicit day ahead capacity auction that will replace the implicit day ahead auction. Nemo Link proposes moving the opening time from 09:40 to 09:00 CE(S)T (Appendix 3 Article 26)
- Day Ahead Nomination window shortening from 12:05-14:00 to 12:05 to 13:30 (Appendix 5 Annex to the Explicit Day Ahead and Intraday Nomination Rules Paragraph 1)
In addition, Nemo Link would like to invite feedback from market participants on the following topics:
- Do you agree a Day Ahead energy auction in GB earlier than SDAC could lead to more efficient interconnector trading?
- How important is a single GB power reference price?
We welcome all market participant and stakeholder comments or questions on the proposals by email to by 18:00 CET 13th November 2020.
If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Team.