Earlier this year, Nemo Link launched a consultation on the latest version of its Access Rules. We are pleased to inform market participants that the modification proposals of the Access Rules have been submitted to the GB and Belgian regulators for their approval.
Many thanks for all the responses we received from the Access Rules consultation. We highly value your feedback and thank you for your time in putting together your comments.
Proposed changes in the consultation
The main changes are driven by customer feedback received in our customer survey, and house-keeping changes resulting from the latest version of the Harmonised Allocation Rules. These include:
- Returning to a Loss Adjusted Day Ahead Market Spread based compensation for curtailments ensuring operation remains within operational security limits before the day-ahead firmness deadline; and
- Enabling Long Term right returns in months with a planned maintenance period; and
- Clarifying the treatment of allocated rights when the JAO Participation Agreement has been suspended; and
- Earlier opening of the Long Term nomination gate brought forward from 16:30 CE(S)T D-2 to 13:30 CE(S)T D-2.
Proposed changes submitted for regulatory approval
The above changes have been submitted to the both regulators Ofgem and CREG. In addition, some minor changes have been made in the Access Rules submission for regulatory approval compared to the consulted documents, namely:
- Further aligning with the Harmonised Allocation Rules (to reflect 2019 and 2021 HAR changes).
- Removing the proposed wording from the consultation in article 71.4 (Appendix 1- Rules for Forward Capacity Allocation on the GB-Belgian Border) and instead adding the text from the latest HARs in article 71.5 (with regards to change c: Clarifying the treatment of allocated rights when the JAO Participation Agreement has been suspended).
- Correction of an error made in the consultation with regards to the closing of the Long Term nomination gate (it should be 8:45 CE(S)T D-1 as it is in our current approved Access Rules instead of 9:00 CE(S)T D-1 as written in the consultation).
Subject to regulatory approval, we envisage implementation of the new Access Rules around December 2022. As soon as we receive a decision from the regulators, we will issue a notice for entry into force to the market.
If you have any questions on our proposed Access Rules in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact the Nemo Link Customer Team.