Brexit Update – No trading changes in the Transition Period

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Following votes both in the House of Commons and in the European Parliament ratifying the Withdrawal Agreement, the United Kingdom will leave the EU tomorrow and enter the “Transition Period”.

This means that we can confirm there will be no changes whatsoever to any trading arrangements on Nemo Link at this time and the country remains within the Internal Energy Market.  The next key date, depending on the outcome of the UK-EU negotiations will be 31st December 2020 and we will keep you notified of any developments.


It is our expectation however that the UK will not be permitted to remain within the Internal Energy Market beyond 31/12/20. Therefore Nemo Link urge all customers that have not already done so to register as physical participants to benefit from Day Ahead explicit auctions which will replace implicit auctions in the scenario that GB leaves the IEM.


Please contact the Customer Team if you would like to discuss further.

Contact Us

Please get in touch if you would like to explore trading opportunities or discuss any matters related to Nemo Link.

Customer Engagement Partner, Michele Jordan
Correspondence Address Nemo Link Limited, Rue Joseph Stevens 7, 1000 BRUSSELS, Belgium

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