30-Minute Intraday Product Design Request for Feedback – Joint Consultation

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Nemo Link, together with ElecLink, BritNed, IFA, IFA2 and Viking Link today launch a joint consultation on a 30-minute MTU Intraday product.

The Interconnectors are considering changing to a 30-minute intraday product and seeking input from market participants to understand whether there is demand for such a product; if there are any preferences for how a future product should be configured; and whether there are any technical and/or procedural blockers that would dissuade or prevent market participants from moving to a 30-minute product.

A move to 30-minute Intraday MTU is expected to have benefits for market functioning that are more aligned with the 15-minute MTU, which is currently planned to go-live in the Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC) in Q1 2025 and which is already in place for XBID (Cross Border Intraday) and the IDAs (Intraday Auctions).

A short document with 4 possible design options and feedback questions can be found here.

Request for feedback response and deadline:

Market participants and stakeholders are invited to submit any comments or questions on the proposals by email by COB  Friday 5th July 2024 to the following email addresses:

[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]

Please include all above email addresses when responding to this Market Consultation.

If there are any comments you only wish to raise to any specific interconnector(s), please send your separate feedback to the email address(es) of the relevant Interconnector(s).

Please get in touch with the Customer Team if you have any questions or wish to have a meeting for further discussion on the above topic.

Contact Us

Please get in touch if you would like to explore trading opportunities or discuss any matters related to Nemo Link.

Customer Engagement Partner, Michele Jordan
Correspondence Address Nemo Link Limited, Rue Joseph Stevens 7, 1000 BRUSSELS, Belgium

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