Nemo Link Conference & Celebration 12 & 13 February 2019

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To ensure interested parties have a chance to further understand our auction and nomination processes and in readiness for explicit auctions, we have arranged a two-day operational workshop to launch our product offering and systems.

This is an ideal opportunity to meet the Nemo Link team and other interconnector traders.

Day one (12th February 2019) we will be joined by subject matter experts from JAO and Nord Pool at our workshop.

We would also be delighted if you would be able to join us in the evening at a dinner to celebrate the launch of Nemo Link.

Day two (13th February 2019) will be focused entirely on training for the new Regional Nomination Platform run by the RNP developer, Unicorn Systems.

If you would be interested to join us, and have not already done so, please indicate your attendance via this eventbrite link:

Contact Us

Please get in touch if you would like to explore trading opportunities or discuss any matters related to Nemo Link.

Customer Engagement Partner, Michele Jordan
Correspondence Address Nemo Link Limited, Rue Joseph Stevens 7, 1000 BRUSSELS, Belgium

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