Market participants will be aware that Multi-Regional Coupling was unable to achieve results today. This means JAO used the Shadow Auction Rules instead to allocate cross border capacity explicitly, as is the defined back-up procedure.
Nemo Link will be holding an additional explicit Day Ahead auction at 18:30 CEST this evening. However, only those market participants that are physically registered with Nemo Link and have indicated to participate in Shadow Auctions with JAO for the GB-Belgium border will be able to participate, as nomination of won capacity rights will need to be nominated in the RNP system. Those wishing to place bids will be required to update their default bids in the JAO system.
Market participants are invited to enter their default bids in SAP before 18:30 CEST.
Market participants will be able to nominate capacity between 19:00 CEST and 19:30 CEST in the Regional Nomination Platform RNP.
If you have any questions about this process or wish to talk to someone about the systems involved, please contact the Customer Team.